1. Deep Impressions
“It is a therapeutic and moral mistake to use herbal remedies to relieve our physical and psychological distress if we are going to return to our usual alienated lives and continue in patterns of thought, behavior, work, and culture that are themselves the source of disease.”
“An Herbal Guide to Stress Relief,” David Hoffman, pg.10 (1991)
2. Synchronicity
︎︎︎ ︎︎︎ ••︎•• ︎︎︎ ︎︎︎
3. Stretching<---->Breathing
When thinking holistically about how to address nagging physical symptoms of anxiety, perhaps consider the fundamental ways you use your body. Tight clothing and general ‘misuse’ can quite literally squeeze your organs, compromising circulation and blood flow. Chronic mouth breathing—which is essentially incessant hyperventilation—is typically associated with less oxygen being delivered to the brain and body. This is an interesting guided breathing exercise that might help you realize the joy of breathing correctly (if you do not already do so). Do not allow your pride to interfere with your acknowledgement of the healing powers of stretching and ‘correct’ breathing.
Additional resources:
*More on Alexander Technique
*Nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing)

5. What IS Hapa Club?
Describe the sensation of living one foot in one identity, one foot in another identity: I am whatever I’m told I am. I think my sibling is white passing.
6. Phytic acid & tertiary food processing
hyperindustrial or “tertiary” food processing
oats are very acidic
soak your beans/ nuts/ seeds/ grains
~cover w salted, soured water. submerge for 8 hours (can vary)
~then dehydrate for 8–12 hours
Sour Those Flours!
read that book on the history of human eating habits
tooth remineralization theory
7. Constant connectivity
Among other things, blue light allows us to——————————————————
9. Healing properties (notes)
Grows prolifically in partially shaded driveways, a vulnerary (wound-healing) herb that can be used as a poultice bandage on wounds and bee/wasp stings (appears to help draw out poison more quickly). Tincture for relief with inflamed stomach lining. Oil-based preservation methods can be utilized topically and culinarily. Efficacy has been immortalized in multiple Shakespearean plays (“Your Plantain leaf is excellent for that, Benvolio. For what, I pray thee, Romeo? For your broken skin”). Seems to have earned ‘enemy status’ as an invasive weed according to limited internet research. Give these a chance
Harvest these plants for use in tea; they are rich in silica, calcium, and iron, as well as potassium and magnesium, all of which help build healthy bones, hair, skin, and nails. Horsetail’s silica is best extracted as a super infusion or long-decocted tea. It’s a weed that enjoys damp but well-drained environments (commonly found along streams and boggy groves). Its diuretic qualities cleanse the kidneys.
Red Clover
A phytoestrogen (weaker than soy) that can help promote hormonal balance in women of all ages; can help menopausal women with hot flashes. Red clover is known as a blood cleanser that boosts circulation/moves lymph, which can assist in clearing up skin issues. Dry/dehydrate soon after picking the vibrant pink blossoms and top leaves—red clover is in the legume family and has a tendency to ferment fairly quickly if left to its own devices.
A fuzzy-leafed plant (feels not unlike that of a rat’s tail when rubbed between fingers) that can grow to an impressive size. Seems to enjoy sprouting up amongst more arid roadside locales. Grows rapidly in late spring; harvest largest, healthiest, and happiest looking exterior leaves for respiratory disorders such as asthma, colds, pneumonia. Dry for tea and smoking; strain results through coffee filter if tinctured (hairs can be irritating in throat). Note: consume in evenings, as it contains sedative qualities. Was recently informed that it’s illegal to fish with this herb because it essentially makes the fish unfairly sluggish.
A vulnerary herb that improves circulation and blood flow. These qualities make Yarrow incredibly useful for addressing issues with internal inflammation. Yarrow tincture can be quite soothing for the stomach lining. Combines nicely flavor-wise with tinctures made out of sea vegetables like kelp/bladderwrack. Seems to quell gastritis symptoms with regular usage of tincture.
10. It might be as straightforward as stomach acid
This book contains many typos but is borderline genius. Extremely banal subject matter. Fascinating and insightful.
A good summary
A short summary: diet—diet—diet + betaineHCL
11. Color BLIndness Simulator

13. ‘symptom suppression’
--birth control pills to suppress painful periods
--antacids to suppress stomach acid (refer to entry #10 for further reading)
--NSAIDs to suppress pain and inflammation
--sildenafil (viagra) to bypass erectile dysfunction
--antianxiety/antidepressives for the issues ‘in your head’
14. >>> T >>> T >>> T >>> zzzz •••
︎︎︎it’s very sweet of you to try, and I
︎︎︎know you mean well—but I’m afraid
︎︎︎absolutely no one wants to go there
15. Humors
1) Blood 2) Phlegm 3) Black Bile 4) Yellow Bile
1) Hot 2) Cold 3) Wet 4) Dry
1) Earth 2) Air 3) Fire 4) Water
1) East 2) West 3) North 4) South
1) Under 2) Over 3) Inner 4) Outer
16. Know rights
The United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) authority is exempt from the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Consitution, which protects Americans from unlawful search and seizure.
This means that at any U.S. border crossing point, CBP officers require neither a warrant nor probable cause to search your vehicle, luggage, electronics, and—if some level of suspicion is incurred—your bodily cavities. There is little to no oversight of an individual officer’s activity.
“We rely upon the judgment of our individual CBP officers to use their discretion as to the extent of examination necessary... CBP Officers use diverse factors to refer individuals for targeted examinations and there are instances when our best judgments prove to be unfounded.”
Recommended reading
17. The arrow
See also
18. Butter!
“Natural fat [e.g. butter, ghee, tallow, lard and rendered animal fats, olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil (*NB unsure if sustainable harvesting practices for palm are truly possible). Choose low-impact & minimalist methods of production and processing, e.g. ‘first’ or ‘cold’ pressed, as expeller-pressed oils are often rendered rancid from the start due to use of extremely high processing temps] consumption: down. Processed fat [see footer] consumption: up. Heart disease: up—way up. Forget for a moment what the ‘experts’ are saying, and ask yourself what these trends suggest to your inner statistician. The next time you go to the grocery store, see how many foods you can find that don’t contain vegetable oil as an ingredient. What do you make of the fact that while watching TV at home, you catch a sixty-second health spot espousing the benefits of some low-cholesterol spread, followed by a commercial for a cholesterol drug, then another one for erectile dysfunction? What does this scenario say to the critical thinker in you?”
“Deep Nutrition,” Catherine Shanahan, M.D., pg.129 (2016)
processed fats=vegetable oils
˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚
vegetable oils=corn, canola, soy, sunflower, cottonseed, safflower, rice bran, grapeseed
˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚
~~duly noted: vegetable oils do not come from vegetables~~
19. “The scramble reveals a class system in which a mark of relative status is the power to withdraw”
or mail-order work
20. ∞ ideas repository—
choose your own adventure
© a concise directory of common fertility-promoting foods (male and female alike) & herbs that help to reduce reliance on pharmacological aids (closed like dictionary app)
© [for reproductive-age females] fertility awareness resource to assist with charting--a record-keeping resource and/or a directory of succinct theories on how to interpret temperatures, plan range of fertile days according to FAM signs + the recommended food and movement to assist with those periods. tools that nudge/assist with implanting understanding of how to plan lifestyle choices according to ____>luteal__follicular__menstrual
phase of cycle.
_______to research: ui/ux gamification principles that make recording temps more rewarding (while avoiding mind-control-ly or data mining angles. what are examples of consensual ways to generate profit from the internet outside of data mining/ invasive collections?)
© could explore theories of cyclical food and exercise patterning theories, as well as cycles of behavior determined by lunar phases (e.g. seed cycling)
© elimination diet procedure, plus guide on foods to generally avoid/foods that generally help encourage gut microbe diversity/health, as well as herbal supplementation for mental health
© a limited gamut of insights on physical ‘use’—mayan abdominal massage, breathing exercises, stretching, alexander technique, varying temperature exposure
© food processing guides (written, videos, gifs, flow charts): broth; seeds, beans, grains, nuts (soaking & dehydrating); fermentation (yogurt, kraut, pickles); roasting/prepping whole animals or animal parts on bone
21. —burning—pruning—seeding—weeding—
wilderness land management approaches and techniques
--what are definitions of passive land management
--nb wilderness ruins if not properly managed ︎︎︎
||| Indigenous land management and regenerative practices detailed by the Woodbine Ecology Center in Colorado: |||
Regenerative Harvest︎ “The timing, intensity, frequency, and long term patterning of harvest can have a positive effect on plants. Native people developed harvest techniques to maximize health and yields of their crop plants.”
Horticultural Practices︎ “‘Wild’ and cultivated plant populations were managed with burning, irrigation, weeding, tilling, pruning, and coppicing (pruning back to the ground) to maintain healthy and productive stands.”
Propagation︎ “Plant populations were increased by sowing seed, transplanting, and transporting species or superior varieties to new locations, sometimes far outside of their natural range. Examples include sowing edible grass seeds onto newly burned areas.”
Ecosystem Management︎ “Native practices, especially burning, maintained a productive landscape mosaic of desired ecosystems and habitats. The largest scale example is the fire-management of the prairies, large portions of which would have reverted to shrubland, savannah or forest without indigenous burning.”
Cultivation and Domestication︎ “Some crops were taken into active cultivation, sown in settlements or farm fields. Many of these species experienced the increased yields and dependence on humans that we call domestication.”
22. “Other Conditions”
“People sometimes ask about the nutritional treatment of uncommon and seldom seen conditions. They tend to think their problem will not respond to nutrition, despite evidence of successful cases. This thinking results in part from the feeling people often have that their own diet is quite good and thus can have little to do with their problem...
The development of chronic disease is influenced by a person’s genes, but the fundamental and underlying cause is the slow breakdown of the body as it is poisoned by foods for which it is not adapted. A host of other influences affects this process, particularly physical activity and the mental and emotional state.”
“Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine,” Ronald F. Schmid, N.D., pg.125-126 (1997)
Additional recommended reading on building natural immunity ︎
+ One more
might as well
23. —
︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎ Coping manual—genre︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎ ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎
24. No longer can we afford
ø∑†√ †† ∑ √√
Creeping phlox, dianthus, creeping thyme, stonecrop and violets are excellent ground covers for sunny zone 5 gardens. Stone fruit suitable for gardening zone 5: plum and cherry
25. More commentary
---interface design——
use apple finder windows and keyboard shortcuts as limitations in design toolkit——
--->design an ‘about me’ page of sorts using inherent limitations of finder window customization options——
with the goal of increasing memory/ recall time through a range of vague visual aids (think ink blot)
e.g. all finder grouping schemes with foods predominantly featured in the background= design related

embarassing goals
more gibberish
26. A choice mindset
On the notion of approaching a negotiation with a “choice mindset”—
Perhaps inherently striving to believe that there is a way for a) everyone to get what they want and b) that you will figure out an alternative if you don't achieve a relatively favorable outcome is the key to at least moving towards what you deserve. “Set good intentions”; it’s been said that karma is a circle.
Noting that those who are able to ‘successfully’ employ the choice mindset have generally built up equity (so to speak) for themselves over time. After all, feeling like you have stuff going for yourself is something that tends to radiate from within—that’s confidence. It is challenging, to say the least, to project inherent confidence if one has not habitually worked towards collecting reasons to feel any in the first place.
So if you're a con artist with bad instincts then this could backfire on you
27. “neither ‘free’ nor ‘not free’” / “‘probably free’”
“An illiberal democracy, also called a partial democracy, flawed democracy, low intensity democracy, empty democracy or guided democracy,[1] is a governing system in which although elections take place, citizens are cut off from knowledge about the activities of those who exercise real power because of the lack of civil liberties; thus it is not an "open society". There are many countries "that are categorized as neither 'free' nor 'not free', but as 'probably free', falling somewhere between democratic and nondemocratic regimes".[2] This may be because a constitution limiting government powers exists, but those in power ignore its liberties, or because an adequate legal constitutional framework of liberties does not exist.[citation needed]”
learn more about litmus test theory
practice transcription/keeprecords
29. true agency !
DJT: Oh, just read the manuals. Read the books.
JS: Manuals? What manuals? DJT: Read the books. Read the books.
JS: What books?

to get
Thoughts on you by’
Progression &
cessing turn
-just to get the cogs ing-
30. Summer 20202020
```````````` ?
```````````` ?
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
new audiobook genre)))
listening material for intentional)))
movement performed during)))
31. Notes on reality

It should feel like digital sculpture
I hesitate to invoke ‘scrapbook’ but it has to be said
33. Intrinsic motivation
Campaigners will tend to believe in the concept of intrinsic motivation

36. “Podcast” “covers”
content about managing and maintaining good health habits/ preventative measure in hyper industrialized spaces
an actually useful hs curriculum
particularly interesting would be to survey all the demographics that make up what I’d call the “skeptically well”
---those who either are actually very physically healthy and don’t believe x/y/z things that they constantly consume could trigger bad health
---those who are in poor health but have been socially conditioned to believe that free or low cost solutions or habit changes are not worth the serious consideration and its effort
The knowledgeable demographic in non-‘conventional medicine’ circles seems overrepresented by people who have suffered enough health setbacks to learn and therefore advocate on their own behalf
questions at hand:
• how do you holistically address the layperson audience—which is to say, address both the ones who have begun to suffer *as well as* the “skeptically well”
• what is a compelling narrative direction and how do we sequence subject matter and also not be too cheesy ...
• what’s an effective approach to signaling the inherent dignity of good health——as well as the payoffs that follow the enormous effort that comes with bucking the status quo——?
1. Deep Impressions

2. Synchronicity

4A. Athleisure
4B. ‘Alone together’
4C. Stadium Sports

5. What IS Hapa Club?

6. Phytic acid & tertiary food processing

7. Constant connectivity

8. The banana is meant to be peeled upside down.

9. Healing properties (notes)

10. It might be as straightforward as stomach acid

11. Color BLIndness Simulator

12A. must I monetize

12B. ^^^^^^^
above commentary

13. ‘symptom suppression’

14. >>> T >>> T >>> T >>> zzzz •••
electromagnetic fields>>>>>>>>

“statistically significant”>>>>>>>>>>>>

16. Know rights

17. The arrow

18. Butter!

19. “The scramble reveals a class system in which a mark of relative status is the power to withdraw”

or mail-order work

21. —burning—pruning—seeding—weeding—

22. “Other Conditions”

23. Coping manual—genre

24. No longer can we afford

25. More commentary

26. A choice mindset

27. “neither ‘free’ nor ‘not free’” / “‘probably free’”

28. Carbon-heavy lifestyles

30. Summer 20202020