︎︎︎Ming’s resume
︎︎︎Ming’s Portfolio
︎︎︎Click for a case
study about the design
identity I created for
the American Museum
of Natural History’s
special exhibition
The Nature of Color
︎︎︎Click for an
overview of the
design identity
I art directed and
produced for
New Red Order’s
The World’s UnFair
︎︎︎Click for details
about a vinyl album
I designed for
Charles Gaines’s
Manifestos 4
︎︎︎Ming’s resume
︎︎︎Ming’s Portfolio
︎︎︎Click for a case
study about the design
identity I created for
the American Museum
of Natural History’s
special exhibition
The Nature of Color
︎︎︎Click for an
overview of the
design identity
I art directed and
produced for
New Red Order’s
The World’s UnFair
︎︎︎Click for details
about a vinyl album
I designed for
Charles Gaines’s
Manifestos 4
Digital design identity
Charles Gaines’s
Moving Chains,
part two of
The American Manifest︎︎︎

Creative Time
digital graphics
selects (2022-23)
︎Intended for desktop viewing︎

Diorama GIFs for
American Museum
of Natural History